Standard ride

Hot air balloon rides we undertake almost everywhere

Night ride

Landscape and mountains glow in the moonlight

Alpine crossing

Take off on the north side of the Alps, land in Italy

Alpine ride

Experience the mountain world at close range


  • Select product and book for appropriate number of people (benefit from group discount)
  • On completion of the booking, you will receive a confirmation email with the following options. Either send us your date suggestions directly; or order the booked option as a voucher (at no extra cost) to give away.
  • The invoice will be sent after the ride or when sending the gift vouchers

Pay now with Twint or credit cards:


Hot air balloon

standard ride/ flight

standard ride/ flight

We undertake hot-air balloon trips almost everywhere

Zone 1 | CHF 380.00
night rides/ flights

night rides/ flights

Landscape and mountains glow in the moonlight - during the night drive we also experience the sunrise!

Zone 1 | CHF 430.00
Sunrise balloon ride/ flight

Sunrise balloon ride/ flight

From night into morning. Experience how the world awakens

Zone 1 | CHF 430.00
Start on the north side of the Alps, land in Italy

Crossing the Alps in a hot-air balloon

Start on the north side of the Alps, land in Italy

Keine | CHF 1’700.00

Skydive - charter balloon

Ready to drop? - Only those who have already experienced it know the special feeling of a total jump without the usual wind of flight.

Zone 1 | CHF 1’040.00
Alpine balloon ride/ flight at Graubunden

Alpine balloon ride/ flight

Experience the mountain world up close

Zone 4 | CHF 570.00
Standard ride/ flight Exklusive-for two

Standard ride/ flight Exklusive-for two

Enjoy a special balloon ride for two, all alone with the pilot; this offer also gives you the opportunity to propose marriage at lofty heights

Zone 1 | CHF 1’380.00

Gas Balloon

Gas balloon day ride/ flight

Gas balloon day ride/ flight

Experience a wonderful distance flight with the gas balloon

Keine | CHF 860.00
Gas balloon night ride/ flight

Gas balloon night ride/ flight

Experience an unforgettable adventure from night to day

Keine | CHF 960.00
The Alps almost without snow

Gas balloon alp crossing

When crossing the Alps in a gas balloon, everything has to be just right.

Keine | CHF 3’500.00